Growing Belushi

This Discovery series follows Jim Belushi, his family and their dedicated team at Belushi’s Farm as they make their mark in the industry...

Truth to Power

Serj Tankian, the lead singer of System of a Down, demonstrates social justice activism as the rock star devoted himself to the Velvet...

Love, Lizzo

This HBO documentary allows the multi-platinum singer, Lizzo to get candid about body positivity, self-love, and recognizing Black women for their contributions.

Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind

Oscar-winning director Ethan Coen details the complex life and thrilling legacy of Rock & Roll legend, Jerry Lee Lewis. The film made its...

Moonage Daydream

Directed by Brett Morgen, this cinematic odyssey explores David Bowie’s creative and musical journey. The film made its world premiere at the 2022...

Triumph: Rock & Roll Machine

This is the intriguing and deeply personal story of Triumph, the underdog rock band who rose to world domination in the 80s then...

From Cradle to Stage

This six-part Paramount+ series, is based on a book by Dave Grohl’s mother, Virginia about the moms who rocked and raised rock stars...